Here are the Terms of Supply that govern the relationship between Barattieri Sinterizzati and the Customer.
General Principles
These General Conditions apply to all legal relationships in which Barattieri Sinterizzati srl, with its registered office at Villaggio Prealpino, traversa XXXII, no. 6, 25136 Brescia (hereinafter referred to as “BiSint”), participates in the production of sintered parts. These general terms of supply supplement and complete the offer made by BiSint. In the event of any discrepancy between BiSint’s offer and these general terms, the terms indicated in the offer shall prevail.
The service provided by BiSint: BiSint manufactures standard or custom-designed sintered material parts.
Documentation/Production Specifications
Treatments and processing must be defined and indicated by the customer in drawings or written instructions. In the absence of specific written instructions, BiSint will assume that the product requires no treatment or processing, and in these cases, BiSint will not accept complaints or returns. Likewise, BiSint will perform all treatments or processes written on the part drawing unless otherwise specified in writing.
The quantity delivered to the customer may vary by 10% more or less.
In the case of an initial supply of a custom-designed part, BiSint will produce a sample, which must be accepted by the customer before proceeding with production. After 30 days from the date of receipt of the samples, if there are no written objections, the samples will be considered accepted and compliant with the customer’s requirements.
All offers, in any form, are binding for 30 days. If the customer does not expressly accept the offer in full compliance with BiSint’s proposal, the offer shall be considered rejected.
The supply price is as indicated in the offer and in the order confirmation issued by BiSint and fully accepted by the customer. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, there are increases in material costs, treatments, or processing, BiSint reserves the right to revise the price accordingly by notifying the customer at the time of the order.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the customer, delivery times indicated by BiSint should not be considered binding. If BiSint fails to meet the agreed delivery time, the customer must submit a written complaint regarding the delay, allowing a reasonable timeframe for fulfillment. Should BiSint be unable to deliver on time due to circumstances beyond its control, it may delay fulfillment as required by such circumstances without incurring liability.
Goods are shipped under the conditions specified at the time of the offer.
Goods will be packed according to BiSint’s standards (in nylon bags and cardboard boxes; if the quantity is large, boxes will be shipped on pallets). Each package is accompanied by a delivery note.
Product Inspection and Claims
The customer is required to inspect the condition of the delivered material upon receipt. Any claims regarding immediately perceptible defects must be submitted in writing to BiSint immediately and, in any case, within 8 working days from the delivery date of the claimed products. If such a prompt claim is not made, the goods will be considered accepted in full, and no claims can be made after additional processing or treatment by the customer, which constitutes implicit final acceptance. No dispute authorizes the customer to make repairs or have repairs made by third parties without written authorization from BiSint.
Warranty for Defects
BiSint warrants that the materials used for production possess the specific characteristics indicated in the technical data sheets of its suppliers.
All payments must be made by the deadlines agreed upon in writing between the parties. If the customer fails to make payment by the agreed date, they will be legally in default, and BiSint may, without the need for formal notice, automatically charge default interest as provided by Legislative Decree October 9, 2002, No. 231. Furthermore, non-payment will immediately result in the suspension of other orders in BiSint’s possession.
Order Cancellation
For each order already confirmed by BiSint and canceled by the customer, BiSint will charge the customer 20% of the total order amount, excluding VAT. If the material has already been produced, order cancellation will not be accepted under any circumstances.
The customer and BiSint agree to keep confidential any information, data, knowledge, and documents of a confidential nature pertaining to each other that they may become aware of in connection with the conclusion and execution of each supply.